I always feel a bit funny writing about events in NY, because I know that many of you don't live anywhere near here, but hopefully the associated links and websites will be of interest to my long-distance readers.
First, an event for the pregnant people in the audience, and those who hope to join them. Each month, Choices in Childbirth presents an evening of birth stories. From their website: "The evening features inspiring - not necessarily easy! - stories from three to four new parent storytellers and expert commentary from mother-friendly birth professionals. The stories tell of a range of births (stunningly short, impressively long, unexpectedly challenging, remarkably straightforward, twisty-turney, painless, orgasmic, painful, cesarean. VBAC, twins, etc.) and reflect a range of choices (home, birth center, hospital, midwife, Obstetrician, family practitioner, doula, family support, etc.)."
The next Birth Stories Evening is this coming Wednesday March 10, but the event is held monthly at various NYC locations. Here is the link for more info:
Birth Stories
If you're not in NY, check out the other resources on Choices in Childbirth's website, including their free guides to a healthy birth.
And on a completely different note, artist/musician/writer/activist Vanessa Boyd is launching a new website called ProgressiveErotica.com. To kick things off, she's teamed up with artist/activist Alexandra Jacoby, of vagina verite fame, to host an erotica writing salon on Sunday, April 25th, at 3PM. Here's how they're pitching it:
"A little food, a little wine, some heady Mid-town air... ladies only, come to an erotica writing workshop salon. Progressive Erotica is about challenging ourselves to create erotica that is based on equality and mutual respect, and still gets us off! All comfort and (non)experience levels welcome, pressure-free ~ participate at the level you want, whatever that is. This is part of a larger effort to create an online portal for erotic content and community discussion about our sexuality and our sensual journeys. ProgressiveErotica.com will showcase erotica that looks beyond domination, submission and use of power and authority over another person for personal gratification."
If you want to attend, send an email to Alexandra at leavethecastle dot com. No charge for admission, and I suspect that you'll be able to see some of the V-portraits while you're there. If you don't know what V-portraits are, go to vagina verite right now!
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